nostálgia by raquelmishe

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Beautiful Coincidence

My boss was assigned me research trip and I had to travel to Egypt. I'm not remotely thought I could go to that country full of mysterious and historical secrets! so I left of Venezuela, wanting to escape and know a new place. I arrived at the hotel at night, wishing it was day to meet with labor's directive.

The next day, at noon and after a stressful business meeting, I went to lunch trying to find places that to speak english (because I couldn't speak much english, much less Arabic). I came to a popular dining room that was in the center of the city. I looked at the menu and today had one offer of Ful Medames, so I ordered that meal. Looking at what table to eat, I sat at a table of two posts which was empty and had no companion.

Just as I was eating, a guy came and he said me:

-uhjummm ... good afternoon, sorry for the inconvenience! as you see, all the tables are full and I don't have nowhere to sit and eat! I...can sit at this table?

I did not understand anything he said me, because he was speaking me in Arabic (thinking that I was from here, of Egypt and that also I could understand him)

-sorry, do not understand you because I don't speak Arabic, I speak English! you speak English, by chance?

-oh, I understand! yes, I speak... Engl...well, I said you that all the tables are full and I don't have nowhere to sit to eat, so I can sit here at this table with you? clear, if not stay occupied the chair

-ah ok! yeah, sure! I said with a smile

So to break the ice, he asked me if I was from England or the United States and I started to laugh

-Is that you're speaking English instead of Arabic, I thought that you lived in one of those two countries

-No, really I'm from Venezuela

-Ve-nezuela? Latin America?

-Aha -I said while chewing a bean-

-Pretty far! What are you doing here? he said surprised

-I am on a business trip, of research!

-Oh, good! welcome to Egypt

-Thanks! but ... I'm lonely!

- Why? Why are you lonely? perhaps... you... came alone?

-Well... I would came with someone but got sick and could not leave the project to half

-Sure, I understand

Suddenly we make silence as we ate a little more

He broke the silence, finishing your lunch

-Hey, and ...have business plans ...for tonight?

-no, of business not (I laughed) ...actually be alone know...resting! why the question?

-well, like you said you were alone, I wanted to take you out tonight around the city! accept the invitation?

I put a face of distrust and he said:

-ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I bothered to you! was not my intention, if you don't want to go out, I respect you!

-No, don't worry! I'll do well out, meet Cairo and forget everything, from the day's work! you're very nice of you to invite me to go out

-All right, I'll look you tonight at 7:00 pm, you're okay?

-Yes, all right

- And where you're staying?

-In the hotel "Samir" ... by the way, what's your name? I smiled

-oh, sorry! I did not show! my name is Waleed... and your name is...?

-the pleasure is the same, my name is Raquel

-Ra ... Raq-uel

-oh hehe, if you can not pronounce it you can say Ra

   Hi, Ra :)
-Hi Waleed :)

At 7:00 pm Walled arrived at the hotel in a taxi, I was waiting at the reception a little nervous

-Shall we go? he said

-Ye... yes, all right

-I'm go you to a beautiful park, is a little far from the hotel so we give you chance to know Cairo at night

-Cairo is beautiful city, I love the buildings and lights! I can open the window of car?

I felt the cold night wind wafted into my face, closed his eyes and smiled ... breathing! night was so beautiful, so I feel that.

-I see you happy

-Yes, I love this weather! on the day it was hot, I was overwhelmed!

-I'm glad you feel happy, Ra ... and arrived at the park!

We thanked the driver and got off

We toured the park as we talked and sat in a place ...

- Do you work or study? I said trying to get into your thoughts

-Working in insurance field marketing ...
-How is that?
-it's about making deals between customers and insurance companies, and you?
ah, is quite a tough job, so I grab customers is not easy! I study in a field that is called psychosocial therapy is a career in which you help people out of problems like drugs, excessive alcohol, family and intimate partner violence, among other things! right now I'm doing research on the psychology of people and customs in various countries, I'm here for that!

-wow thats really good, it helps many people! very useful job for people

  Yes, yes :)

  and in Venezuela you live alone or you're... married or perhaps you have... a boyfriend? He said a little embarrassed

  no, I live with my family and don't have boyfriend, and you have a girlfriend or something?

  not now, but I feel good so!

my phone rang, it was a call from Venezuela: "How did you come to Egypt?" "Well, thank you and how are you all?" "Well, Mom ... I have to let you, go to sleep" I lied for her not to know she was with a guy stranger in a park

After I finished talking with my family, he said:

-I noticed that your ringtone was a song by The Beatles, you like The Beatles?

-yes, it's my favorite band!

-is my favorite band too, I love it!

- My favorite song is 'In my life', what's yours?

-well ... is very difficult to choose for that to me all seem good!

the song that was playing the cellphone was 'Your mother should know' and knew we had several things in common, so I was excited! I meet to someone rare and that we had things in common, was I dreaming?

I felt very cold and I was shaking!

Waleed noticed it and without thinking twice, he gave me a big hug while eating a cotton candy he had bought for me. I'm smiling and he smiling too!

At the hotel, we said goodbye ...

-Thanks for everything, thanks for leaving at night, thanks for making me happy tonight, thanks for letting me know the Cairo ... was all very cute

-It was a pleasure meeting you, Venezuelan girl! I had fun with you, you are very funny! I hope you continue doing well in your job

-Thank you, wish the same for you! :)

I thought it would be the end of all ... with that guy!

I got to the second floor, walked into my room and lay down on the bed, thoughtful!

It was very strange the situation today, but I liked it!

I thought I was not going to see him more, and it was only going to be a small outlet and adventure of the night before!

But the next night, to come hotel from work, I find some flowers at the door of my room ...

"Flowers for a beautiful Venezuelan woman"

was smelling the flowers but did not give me time to think about who might have been when showed up the boy of the last night!

- Do you like ... flowers?

He scared me, because I was concentrated smelling those rich flowers

-yes, they are very beautiful! thank you very much ... but I have to ask: wh...y? why did you come back again?

-II do not know, I felt I had to see you again!

I watched in amazement, looking for a response in his eyes, suddenly:

- Do you want to go to my room?

-if that's okay, it's okay

-quiet, come, come in!

- When you go back to Venezuela? he asked

-tomorrow morning ended here

-it's a shame that you have to go so soon

-I know, but is my destiny


talk about some things and laugh a little ... but it was late and I was sleepy!

I lay in bed while Waleed told me wonders, but I fell asleep, I think!


-Princess, you fell asleep -Waleed muttered to himself, smiling-


Waleed gave him a kiss on the forehead to Raquel and looked at Raquel for a moment: his mouth was open, as typical sleeper person, but it was beautiful too with your eyes closed!

He tried to remove the glasses but Raquel moved a little and Waleed preferred leave it alone.

So Waleed go out to the room, closing the door slowly, thinking of so many things.

The next morning I awoke with a start, it was too late!

I smelled my hands and had a smell of fragance for men, very tasty!

I remembered to Waleed, who was with me last night but I did not remember having dispatched of the hotel... am I was asleep? When?

I showered and left the hotel in a hurry, pay to the receptionist and took a taxi to take me to the airport.

When I got to the airport, luckily it was still early.

Missing one hour for the flight but I had to be there, guarding my seat in the airplane before another take my place.

Meanwhile, Waleed requested time off from work to go run an errand.

He arrived at the airport as soon as possible and I looked everywhere, and scared that flight of Raquel had left.

- Do you know where are flights to Latin America or Venezuela? Waleed asked a stewardess

-Right over there sir, on the left


He came and gave a respite to see Raquel sitting with your ticket in hand and suitcases. Deep breath, wiped the sweat and came as if nothing

-Hello, Ra ...

-wow ... Wa-Waleed, what are you doing here?

in that Waleed gave him a hug and then let embrace her, looking into her eyes

-I don't want you to go

- How? Raquel said

-Please ... is that ... -Waleed choked throat- I'm sorry, I know you gotta go ... you gotta go back ... but ... but ... I feel something for you! large connection, you know? I feel that you are to me

Raquel had been surprised by what Waleed said, as no other man had said that to her!

- You know, Waleed? I also feel a connection with you ... but I can not stay ... now!

"Flight to Venezuela, addressing passengers"

I went and gave him the last hug and he gave me one last hug.

I left sad, crying...

have only been two days with Waleed and we felt things in us.

After one month, I decided to return ready to rescue the love!

I knew I belonged to Waleed and Waleed felt the same!

I told Mom I was going to travel again, so I went to Egypt trying to find its essence, its love. He had his email, so I wrote to see where he worked. I was mislead him, I said I wanted to know that perhaps would return the following year to work again in psychological research.

He gave me your direction of work the next day, just as I arrived at Cairo airport.

I spent the night at the hotel waiting out the next day.

The next day I took a taxi to the workplace Waleed.

I was excited, because it would give him a surprise.

I came and went:

- Waleed work here? I asked

- Waleed Waleed ... what? here have many Waleed, Miss! you know, is a very popular name here

-As he working in insurance field marketing, is brown skin, tall man...

-I understand and already know who is, up to the first floor by the elevator and there is an office

I went and saw him, he was busy with some papers ... he had no chance to look ahead!

I opened the door to his office and I told him:

-good morning, insurance field marketing?

-wait a minute

had not even looked at who had opened the door! and when he vacated of the leaves, looked up and was quiet for a moment

-Ra, blessed be God!

-Here I am - I told him happy

we hugged

-you came back...

-because I miss you so much

without words, Waleed gave me a quick kiss

-sorry, I didn't ...

-quiet, It's okay! is what you feel, ok? and what you feel, I feel too!

So I gave him another kiss and was the final to seal everything.

I stayed 5 days more enjoying their love and Waleed of mine! Excited he introduced me to his dad and his mom, his brothers and all his family ... dad was a little upset because I knew that would not work this traveling love.

But his family was delighted with me (always me, I am always a charm haha)

The father was right, how were going to do with travel?

It happened in January and after six months, Waleed could raise money and travel to Venezuela to meet my family.

While in Venezuela, Waleed asked:

- What are we going to do with us, love?

And I said:

-"we have two options: you're going with me or I'm going with you" :)

So we give a kiss and 3 week later, with the permission of family, I was going to live with him in Cairo, how a happy couple.

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